Monday 20 May 2013

104 Days to Go

It may not be the most interesting, well designed or useful blog out there - but hallelujah! here it is.  Not that I could even do this on my own.  Thanks Frank for the awesome logo, and Barnaby for the name of my campaign.

So - for those of you that don't know what this is all about, let me bring you up to speed.  About 18 months ago I signed up to race a sailing boat to Australia (without ever having stepped foot on a boat).

About 4 weeks after that, my Mum was diagnosed with Breast Cancer for the third time, and whilst it was a pretty shitty time for me and my family - reinforced the reasons for doing this.  My Mum also loves adventure, so I thought I could also give something back by raising money and awareness for the Breast Cancer Campaign.

Thankfully, she's doing really well now, with a brand new funky haircut to boot, and is looking forward to this (nearly) as much as I am!

With 104 Days to Go - I have a team and a start date, but that's about it.... Don't know where we're starting from, where we're going, when we'll get anywhere, or how many pairs of socks to take.

It may not be for everyone - but that's the fun of it!

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