Tuesday 11 June 2013

The Race - Quick Facts

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is the only event of its type.

Anyone, even if they have never stepped on a boat before, can join the adventure and circumnavigate the world in an eleven month-long marathon.


 A 40,000-MILE CIRCUMNAVIGATION, 15 RACES, 13 COUNTRIES, 1 WINNER. (Although I'm only doing half of it...)

40% of people (me being one of them!) competing in the Clipper Round the World have never set foot on a boat before.

Between the crew there are roughly 230 different professions.

Tie every warp, line, sheet and halyard together from the Clipper Race fleet and the ropes will stretch for a massive 15 kilometres – that’s twice the height of Mount Everest.

During the Clipper Race the teams will get through about  17,500 loo rolls, or 438,000 metres of toilet paper. That’s the equivalent distance of flying from London to Paris.

In the Southern Ocean there is a place called ‘Point Nemo’, this is the most remote spot on the planet, furthest away from any civilisation.  The nearest land is approximately 2,000 miles away.  If there was a cosmonaut on the international space station, they would be the closest human to ‘Point Nemo’.

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